Our Mission
Love God, Love Others, Serve the World
FUMCLOL Family Ministry is dedicated to supporting families and the community in leading and discipling children within the home, church, and beyond. Our mission is to raise global disciples who serve, grow God’s kingdom, and care for His creation. We strive to provide a safe, welcoming, and engaging environment where children can build loving relationships with Jesus.
Sunday Schedule
Join us Sunday mornings for fun, faith and fellowship
Nursery (Ages 8 weeks -2 yrs old) at 10:30am
Sunday School (3 yrs old – 5th grade) at 9am & 10:30am
Our Faith
We are excited to share our love for God our creator with friends and neighbors. We strive to show God’s love through action and service, believing that we are forgiven through God’s son Jesus and therefore a disciple of the Kingdom.
Our Community
We believe that our neighborhood is our mission field. We are excited to love and invite those around us to share in God’s love and build friendships and connections that last a lifetime.