
Land O Lakes United Methodist Church
By asking for prayer, members of our church have agreed to pray with you. Thank you for your engagement in our online community. The purpose of the prayer wall is to allow users to pray as a community and connect around their prayer needs. We are committed to maintaining an open, welcoming, and fruitful prayer space for all.

Prayer Requests


  • I just learned that my surgery, scheduled for tomorrow, has had to be cancelled due to a concern of infection. Praying it can be rescheduled soon. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Please pray for a dear friend, Gwen who has been battling with eye surgeries.She has been legally blind in one eye since childhood and over the past year or so had 3 or 4 surgeries on her good eye. The first surgery was due to a detached retina and now since her last surgery she has a black area that is seen all the time. Please pray for the eye regain complete complete sight with no more issues!
  • I’m preparing for a third surgery on my foot - scheduled for 10-27-22. Trusting God and praising Him now for His divine work through medicine. At the same time I ask for peace through the journey. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers for me and my family.
  • Please pray God opens a door for full time work with good wage, I am struggling to get work, sent out many resumes. I'm out of money and need Gas for interviews/church and now after 5 months no work -I don't have place to live. (I'm widow). I have faith and don't know what to do. No support system. (I just want to work)
    Thanks Brothers/Sisters.
  • Please be in prayer for our dear friend, Frank. He just got the call to come to the hospital there is a kidney available. They will run some tests on Frank and if everything is good he should have surgery in the morning.
  • My name is Catherine Scalf and I'm from Texas. I've recently come to Clear Lakes, FL looking for my friends. I was made homeless last month. The apartments made my rent unaffordable and I'm on disability trying to get off of it. I've been accepted to a college in Northern Colorado. I want to teach and grow marijuana for St. Jude. I can't leave the state until the 3rd of the month and the homeless shelters are all full. I have $42 to my name.

    Pray for me, please.
  • Prayers for our dear friend, Joe Jones, who is going to have open heart surgery today. This will be a long and complicated procedure, but his doctors offer him every reason to expect it to be a success.
  • Prayers for Jerry, who had ta.pacemaker put in over 2 months ago. He has been dealing with an infection and tomorrow morning the pacemaker is suppose to be removed. He will when wear a special vest until things heal up and a new pacemaker will be placed in
    a new location.
  • Please continue to pray for Bob. The doctor has given him no hope for the issues with his heart. It sounds like the bottom side of his heart is hardening thus not functioning properly. Bob loves the Lord and is trusting The Great Physician to do a mighty work with his physical heart.
  • My sister was sent to ER for seizures this evening. Called ER to see if she will return to her ALF, Nurse said they are waiting
    for test results.
    Thank you for prayers.
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Answered Prayers


  • Betty 2 months ago

    Lillibeth's ear is healing really well, and the reconstruction of her ear canal and mastoid bone appear to be successful. Thank you all who added her to your prayers.

  • Betty 2 months ago

    Lillibeth's ear is healing really well, and the reconstruction of her ear canal and mastoid bone appear to be successful. Thank you all who added her to your prayers.

  • Betty 2 months ago

    Lillibeth's ear is healing really well, and the reconstruction of her ear canal and mastoid bone appear to be successful. Thank you all who added her to your prayers.

  • Sue 4 months ago

    Praise God for David Smith's good news. He shared that there is no liver rejection. The next step is an MRI at Mayo next week. It may be a clogged bile duct.

  • Hello 1 year ago


  • Pam 2 years ago

    Tom got a really good report today in regards to his cancer. He is in remission!

Request Prayer

